Layers of Bitcoin*

* and blockchain-based systems more generally

There are many resources online that give an introduction into how Bitcoin and other blockchain-based systems work under the hood. Each has its own unique perspective and focus. Our approach here is to look at it all in terms of layers. We also simulate a miniature blockchain network for you - in your browser, right now! It is a close enough model of Bitcoin, and you are invited to interact with it!

This page here shows you all layers at once. This is a lot of information! Try exploring one layer at a time. By clicking on a layer name (the labels with a +) you can open some explanatory text about that layer. Also try clicking or hovering around the visual elements - many of them are interactive! You can control the speed of the simulation via the time controls way below.

This page should also work on smartphones, but for the best experience, we recommend using a wider screen. And perhaps also a mouse...
Wallet ofAliceconnected to noden9857
25 coins
coins to
Wallet ofBobconnected to noden8229
0 coins
coins to


The blockchain, as seen by noden9857Genesisblock[R->A: 15][C->A: 10][E->U: 62][K->D: 57]



(s): 21.706(1✕)

Pssst.... you can also use your keyboard!

  • [space] ⇨ pause/play simulation
  • [←]/[→] ⇨ control simulation speed
  • [m] ⇨ a random node will "mine" a block
  • [t] ⇨ a random node will send out a random transaction
  • [s] ⇨ toggle slowdown on messages


...and beyond...

Are you confused? Do you want to dig deeper?

Our subpages on hash functions and Proof-of-Work might be interesting to you, in case you missed them. There is also a bigger peer-to-peer network to play with, and a list of further reading, watching and playing resources. If you are new to Bitcoin and blockchain, why not start with this video?